Leadership Development
LCH Resources Limited has delivered Leadership and Vision training throughout North America to more than 500 leaders.
The customized leadership development programs and systems has resulted in:
Boards and Leaders becoming more effective
Improved communications with more honesty and openness
Significant increases in employee satisfaction
More collaborative team work
Awareness of body language
Better delegation and follow-up skills
Capitalizing on leadership strengths
Ability to set boundaries and manage performance
Increased personal organization.
Leadership Development Workshops include:

Assessments of strength and styles
Case studies
Effective ways of rewarding and recognizing employees and teams
Strategic development
How to conduct difficult conversations
Mediation and negotiation techniques
Generational issues in the workplace
Career planning with reports
Managing up and down

LCH Resources has worked with many leaders from numerous sectors, from entry level to senior executives. Leadership training is a vital investment that delivers invaluable returns.